福士 恭子
今回はピアニスト ユッシ・シーララ氏、作曲家 エートゥ・ランタ=アホ氏、おふたりの言葉をお届けする。
Jussi Siirala ユッシ・シーララ (1949~) ピアニスト
- パンデミックがコンサート、ラジオ・テレビ放送や音楽家に与えた影響
- 国家からの現在の支援状況
国家は、フィンランド全体の音楽教育システム (シベリウス アカデミー、応用科学大学、音楽大学) を包括的にサポートしています。
Eetu Ranta-aho エートゥ・ランタ=アホ(1992~)作曲家
代表作として、ソプラノとオーケストラのための連作歌曲「定家の歌」、オペラ「眠る男」(台本:池田理代子、音楽:ランタ=アホ)、アンサンブルとバリトンのための「…dreams on Mount Utsu」、箏と弦楽四重奏のための「Air dances」など多数。
芬日協会、フィンランド音楽財団、Kone財団、フィンランド文化財団、スカンジナビア·ニッポン ササカワ財団、Madetoja財団、フィンランド作曲家協会より助成金を授与される。
- パンデミックがコンサート、ラジオ・テレビ放送や音楽家に与えた影響
- 国家からの現在の支援状況
芸術全般、音楽界に関して:現政権はThe compensation for private copying *の半減を計画していますが、これは音楽振興財団に大きな影響を与え、同財団を通じて助成金を得ることが難しくなるでしょう。
The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) の財務システムが変化し、政府が管理する賭博(Veikkaus Oy)による収益の使い道が変更されることで、芸術への資金基盤が脅かされ、音楽界に大きな悪影響をもたらす可能性があります。
*The compensation for private copying (私的複製補償金)とは、芸術作品の複製によって生じた収入の損失を、KopiostoやAVEKなど様々な基金を通じて、国家がアーティストに補償するもの。
- ロシアとフィンランドの関係の変化、そしてロシアのウクライナ侵攻がフィンランド音楽界に与えた影響
The Finnish Music Scene Now
Kyoko Fukushi
Finland is currently in the midst of a major movement.
In February 2024, former Prime Minister Alexander Stubb became a president and expressed his desire to place Finland at the “core” of NATO (joining in April 2023). With no end in sight to neighboring Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, I would like to ask Finnish musicians what they are thinking in this turbulent situation and share it in a series of articles.
I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Siirala when I visited Finland in April 2024 and Mr. Ranta-aho in June when he came to Japan, and asked them about the developments in the Finnish music world from the pandemic to the present and their outlook for the future.
I want to continue to be conscious of how the world will move forward and keep a close eye on it, while also constantly thinking about what I can do through music.
Jussi Siirala (1949-) Pianist
Jussi Siirala studied at the Sibelius Academy of Music, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, and Indiana University Bloomington. Winner of the Maj- Lind International Piano Competition (1968) and the Elena Rombro- Stepanov International Piano Competition (1971). While performing as a soloist and chamber musician around the world, he was as a professor (1978-2018) and continues to teach at the Sibelius Academy of Music.
- The impact of the pandemic on concerts, radio and TV broadcasts, and musicians
The pandemic interrupted live concert events for an extended period of time, but once the actual rehearsals of the orchestra began again, they were broadcast again through radio and television, allowing the sound to reach the audience. In some cases, the performances themselves were canceled due to illness of the soloists, but the programs were never changed.
The pandemic, however, made it very difficult for many freelancers.
Those who received state assistance were in a stable position, but many did not receive support, and the situation remained difficult for freelancers (teachers, orchestral players).
- Current support from the State
The state provides comprehensive support for the entire Finnish music education system (Sibelius Academy, University of Applied Sciences, and College of Music).
However, it is unfortunate that the current government is undergoing massive austerity measures due to the heavy debt of the state itself, which also affects state subsidies for the music industry, and support for culture in general is declining.
- Changes in relations between Russia and Finland and the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the Finnish music industry
At the present time, virtually all relations with Russia – political, economic, cultural, etc. – have been severed, at least temporarily.
In terms of the music world, conductors and soloists from Russia are now restricted from performing in Finland. There are exceptions, of course, and concerts are given by Russian musicians (pianists, Kissin, Sokolov, etc.) who do not support the invasion of Ukraine or who live in Western countries.
- What you would like to see in cultural exchange between Finland and Japan
It would be great if musicians from both countries could travel back and forth more frequently.
Both Japanese and Finns could learn a lot from each other.
I hope that the situation will become one in which young people can take up music or something else seriously. I sincerely hope that more young people will pursue music as a career, whether it be as a performer, teacher, or both.
Eetu Ranta-aho (1992-) Composer
Obtained Master of Music from the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland in 2019.
Exchange student at the National University of Cape Coast, Ghana for one semester in 2013 and at the Tokyo College of Music for one year in 2016-2017.Winner of the 2019 Radio-Classical (Finland) Tempo – Awards for Composer of the Year. He was awarded the Martin Wegelius Prize.
Among his representative works are “9 Teika songs,” song cycle for soprano and orchestra, the opera “Nemuru Otoko” (script by Riyoko Ikeda, music by Ranta-aho), and “…. .dreams on Mount Utsu”, “Air dances” for koto and string quartet, and many others.
Grants from Finnish Music Foundation, Kone Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Scandinavia-Nippon Sasakawa Foundation, Madetoja Foundation, and Finnish Society of Composers.
- The impact of the pandemic on concerts, radio and TV broadcasts, and musicians
Currently, Finnish musical activities are almost back to normal and the effects of the pandemic are no longer visible. However, opportunities for remote work have increased, and meetings and appointments are now generally conducted remotely.
Current support from the State
Regarding the arts in general and the music industry in particular, the current administration is planning to cut by half the compensation for private copying*, which will have a significant impact on the Music Promotion Foundation, making it more difficult to obtain grants through the foundation.
Changes in the financial system of The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) and the use of proceeds from government-controlled gambling (Veikkaus Oy) will threaten the funding base for the arts and could have a significant negative impact on the music community.
We live in a time of change, and all that change could be for the worse. What the end result will be remains to be seen.
*The compensation for private copying is the state’s way of compensating artists for the loss of income caused by the reproduction of artistic works through various funds such as Kopiosto and AVEK.
- Changes in relations between Russia and Finland, and the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the Finnish music industry
Concerts of some Russian artists have been cancelled in Finland. Other than that, the history of Russian imperialism and the russification of certain artists, such as Gogol and Repin – who rather were Ukrainian, have gained more attention. Among composers, Prokofiev for example was born in present day Ukraine, which is nowadays often mentioned in program notes of concerts.
- What you would like to see in cultural exchange between Finland and Japan
As far as I know, there is a concrete and active movement of individuals who interested in cultural exchange, as well as some small and medium-sized organizations.
I am particularly interested in Japanese literature, poetry and related aesthetic phenomena and concepts.
福士恭子 Kyoko Fukushi
2003年-2010年、ラハティ市(フィンランド)ラハティ工科大学 (Lahti University of Applied Sciences)音楽学部ピアノ科、ラハティ市コンセルバトリー、ラハティ市ミュージック・インスティテュート非常勤講師。2024年3月イギリスアレクサンダーテクニーク協会(STAT)公認教師資格を取得。